I am Entitled — A poem on inner world of entitled people
This is to the little voice in my head that Demands things to happen from others. Demands others to behave only the way I want.
I am Entitled.
Don't blame me. I am entitled
The fault is always with you.
I am perfect. I am entitled.
Don't blame me. You always said I am special.
I don't want to look inside me.
I am entitled
I am the center of universe. I am god's gift to human kind. I should get everything.
I am entitled
I yearn for equality.
I never share hand in household chores
I am entitled
I will insult. I will throw tantrums.
I am entitled.
I demand consistency. I demand obedience.
I can be a rebel
I am entitled.
You are expected to read my mind. Know what I feel
I am too proud to articulate my feelings
I am entitled
You should be a good wife, should be a good father....
I am too blind to see my faults
I am entitled
I dont know how to feel hurt,
So, I express it as anger,
I am entitled
I am afraid to look small
I demand respect by violence
I am entitled
I demand my rights
I don't perform my duties
I am entitled.
I realize when I am like this, It only takes me away from others.